
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Part 12 - Mommy Massage

Wednesday October 10 2012 Massage @ 4:30pm slt

Today was one of the greatest appointments throughout the process. I was going to be pampered and get some relief from the tension/aches in the body. Pregnancy can be very hard on the human body so ya need to take care of it otherwise you'll feel blah. Once I arrived I was led to the relaxing massage room upstairs. The doctor got me to lay down, and began working right away.

Part 12 - Mommy Massage (head & neck relief)

She started rubbing my head and then slowly moved towards the temples. I slowly started to feel relaxed as she gently massaged. She always made sure to ask if I was ok and comfortable which I of course was. How can ya not be when you're in a calming serene room and being massaged lol 

Part 12 - Mommy Massage (neck & shoulder relief)

After a few more minutes of massaging my head and neck, she helped me sit up so she could move on to the next step. It was time for one of my most tensed up areas to get massaged. My neck and shoulders. She was definitely good at releasing knots and muscle tension that's for sure. I was definitely glad this came with my package. The room makes such a difference too. Plants, relaxing colors/tones in the room and the frame on the wall was one of those waterfall type ones. Very soothing atmosphere.

Part 12 - Mommy Massage (shoulder & back relief)

The doctor finished up the neck and shoulders area and then moved more to the back itself. That part was great, it totally made me feel great. It was definitely one of the best massages I've had and I would so recommend it pregnant or not lol I left there feeling relaxed and refreshed. After I was done, I thanked her and went home to relax/watch a movie.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Part 11 - Fall Zooby Affiliate Festival

Monday October 8 2012

I had been seeing notices in one of the groups I'm in, about a fall festival. I wasn't sure if it was just for babies or family stuff in general. It turns out it's the Zooby Affiliate Fall Festival so it's mostly for babies but had some family stuff too. I decided to take a walk there and check it out.

When I arrived it was really well decorated. Lots of Autumn related items and of course tons of Halloween specials for all the kiddos! There were tons of vendors set up, a gacha maze, and some raffle stations spread around. After checking out all of the little booths, I stopped at one of my favorite stores to grab a seat for a bit. It's not easy walking with a watermelon attached to your abdomen ya know :p

Part 11 - Visit to the Fall Festival

It's definitely a cute place to visit for you and your little one. (zooby baby related stuff mostly) You can even go take some cute pictures while you're there as its very nicely decorated. I definitely enjoyed the little outing and I'm sure you will too! Visit the Zooby Affiliate Fall Festival today!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Part 9 - Lamaze

October 3 2012 Lamaze Class @ 4:30pm slt

My favorite day has arrived. Today was my Lamaze class appointment. When I arrived the doctor was waiting for others to show up as well. The classes are open to current patients so anyone who fits that criteria can show up the classes. One other girl whom I'd met before at the clinic, showed up as well which was nice. After waiting awhile, the doctor told us to follow her so we could begin. We rode up in the elevator which I was glad to do seeing as waddling up steps isn't an easy task lol

Part 9 - Lamaze (waiting for elevator)

Once we got upstairs the instructor turned on her mic and started telling us some introductions to Lamaze and the various techniques we'd be learning about. Then she led us over to the cushions on the carpet so we could practice breathing and sitting positions.

Part 9 - Lamaze (group sitting exercises)

We all sat down and followed along with various breathing techniques. The doctor also taught us lots about the delivery itself and gave us tips on various delivery scenarios based on her experiences with the different patients she's had. (she also taught us some more logical and realistic ways to role play various birth/delivery scenarios as she's had many who ask for one thing and do the opposite lol). I knew a lot of the breathing techniques because I learned them in other medical and just daily life situations.

Part 9 - Lamaze (me practising)
*look at me all ready for when this baby is ready to come out ha-ha!*

We practiced a few more breathing exercises and of course talked about other pregnancy/delivery experiences. The doctor was very diplomatic and proper about talking about other experiences, not once did she say anything bad about other places. She then told us why her & her sister started the clinic which was to give people a realistic experience, various options and a warm friendly environment to make patients feel comfortable. The other girl and I smiled and then the three of us moved over to the Lamaze balls.

Part 9 - Lamaze (on the ball - group exercises)

At first I was afraid my balance might be off due to the baby bump lol but luckily for me the ball keeps you steady. They say the ball is great for contractions and helps a lot of women during their delivery process. I'm thinking I might use it, we'll see what happens. It was definitely fun practicing on it. 

Part 9 - Lamaze (me on the lamaze ball practising)

We practiced breathing, and talked for quite awhile. The session/appointment went a lot longer than I expected but it was great talking to the two women. We learned a lot, gossiped a bit, exchanged stories and overall had a great time. I'm definitely prepared and totally ready for when the day comes to bring this baby girl into the world. I said goodbye to both ladies and went on home. Next week its massage time woohoo!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Part 7 - Third Appointment

Wednesday September 26 2012 @ 4:30pm slt

Another day, another doctor's appointment. I got ready, had a quick snack and then went off to the clinic for my appointment. I arrived just on time to see the doctor walking towards the waiting area to get me. We greeted each other with a smile, spoke for a bit, and then I followed her to the exam room.

Part 7 - Third Appointment

As usual Dr.Rhy was very sweet and welcoming. She asked me the usual questions to make sure my health and the babies weren't showing signs of distress. I told her I had been feeling pretty great, took my vitamins daily, was eating properly and that the munchkin was making me crave a lot lol...she laughed of course as she knows what it's like. Once that was over with I got changed so we could begin checking vitals & the exam.

Part 7 - Third Appointment (checking weight)

After I was changed, the doctor led me over to the scale to check my weight to make sure I was at a healthy weight for the pregnancy. She jotted down the info in the chart and then told me my weight was good. Once we finished that, she led me over to check my blood pressure and other vitals, which thankfully all came back normal except that my blood pressure was a bit low so she told me I needed to relax more & not do anything strenuous. Next, we went over to the examination table to do a belly exam.

Part 7 - Third Appointment (belly exam)

She proceeded to press around on different areas of the abdomen to make sure everything was alright. She kept asking me along the way if I felt any discomfort or pain, to let her know which thankfully I didn't have any. After we finished up there, I proceeded to the ultrasound table and got prepped to see my little one.

Part 7 - Third Appointment (ultrasound)

At first it took a bit for me to be able to see that little munchkin, but slowly things came into focus. I could see she had her thumb in her mouth and her head was facing the screen. Technology now a days is amazing for so many reasons, this being one of them.

Part 7 - Third Appointment (clearer pic)

Finally the picture came into focus and I could see so many little features on my baby girl. I just kept smiling the whole time, while watching her move around. It's fascinating to see them in development over the months. The doctor of course began giving me info on the height and weight of the baby at this stage, along with facts on the development/different things the baby can do now. Before we finished up, she turned on the fetal heart monitor for a bit to write the info down on the baby's heartbeat. I love hearing it, it always makes the experience more real. 

Part 7 - Third Appointment (ready to get cleaned up)

After that the doctor offered to help me up and I jokingly blamed the baby for the weight. My doctor turned and said "its ok baby we know its really the mommies fault but they blame the babies!". We both laughed quite a bit and then I got up to get ready and cleaned up. Once I was done, I as usual thanked the doctor for everything and told her I'd see her next week. Now time to go relax and get the blood pressure back to normal!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Part 5 - Second Appointment

Wednesday September 19 2012 @ 4:30pm slt

Today I had another appointment with the clinic. They had to one of the routine ultrasounds and make sure the baby is growing properly for the time period and whatnot. This time my sister was able to come with me which was really nice. It's always more fun to share the experience with someone you're close to.

I arrived at the clinic a few minutes early and checked in with the receptionist. I then stood with my sister as we waited for the doctor be done with another patient. The wait wasn't very long at all and shortly after arriving we got called into the exam room.

Part 5 - Second Appointment

My sister of course politely took a seat, while the doctor asked me some questions in regards to how I've been feeling, if I've been taking my vitamins and if I had any questions or concerns. Once all of that got dealt with, I of course got into the ultrasound outfit of choice lol and hopped up on the table to prep for the ultrasound.

Part 5 - Second Appointment (3D ultrasound)

At that point the doctor got me settled and laughed as she knew I was going to giggle once she put on the ultrasound gel. Of course I did because its cold and feels funny. My sister came to stand beside the table as the doctor started moving around the wand. My sister and I both looked at the screen to see the little baby in 3D ultrasound form. It was definitely cool, I can tell ya that much. Once that was done, the doctor said if I wanted to, we could find out the gender of this tiny little one.  I of course said yes!

Part 5 - Second Appointment (finding out the baby's gender)
The doctor then changed the angle of the image area and began to move the ultrasound wand again. After moving it around a bit she finally stopped, smiled and said "you're having a girl!". I was so delighted to hear that and couldn't stop smiling. Not that I matter what the gender is, but when its a girl you relate and want all sorts of cute girly pink stuff lol...I turned to my sister and we both were happy. Another girl in the family.

Once that was done the doctor went to print of copies of the ultrasound, while I of course got cleaned up, dressed and ready to go home. I thanked the doctor for everything and my sister of course told the doctor it was nice to meet her, which of course my doctor replied with the same. We all said goodbye and then my sister drove me home. It was a great evening. *jumps for joy* I'm having a girl!!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Part 4 - Oh the Cravings!

What the baby wants, the baby gets...

So as you know I've already been to two appointments and so far so good. I've been reading a lot and learning so much about the changes a pregnancy can have on a woman. One of the current changes I'm adjusting to is random and weird cravings at all hours. One minute its sweet stuff, the next minute its savory/salty, healthy stuff one minute and junk food the next. Geez baby make up your mind! I won't complain though because at least I don't have nausea and sickness anymore. Anyways I'm off to watch a movie and eat some more snacks. Here's a picture of the food craziness from earlier in the day!

Part 4 - Oh the Cravings
*Me relaxing with a slurpee after making all sorts of foods*

Part 4 - Oh the Cravings (close up)
*Close Up: Grocery Bag, Peach Cobbler, Cinnamon Buns, Chinese takeout box, Kool-Aid, Cupcakes, Fruit, Tacos on a plate of lettuce, and Me holding a Slurpee*

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Part 3 - First Appointment

Wednesday September 12th, 2012 @ 4:30pm slt

Today was my first official appointment at the clinic. I was surprised to be scheduled in so quickly, but then I guess it's super important to make sure all is going well with the baby. I was totally prepared for the appointment, but obviously still slightly nervous about the situation. I read so much in the past few days about whats good and bad during pregnancy. Proper eating habits, prenatal vitamins, wearing flats or flip flops rather than heels, no over exerting yourself and just overall staying relaxed. Guess that means no big house renos unless I get help lol good thing my sis likes that kinda stuff!

Finally I got called in to see the doctor. I am so glad to have her as my doctor because she is such a sweet person and totally makes her patients feel comfortable.

Part 3 - First Appointment
*Please excuse picture quality. SL messed up so the numbers/size weren't right & I didn't notice*

After a bit of chit chat in regards to how I've been feeling, she handed me a gown to change into so she could begin examining me and checking my vitals. Once I was finished changing we went over to the scale so she could get my weight etc...then we proceeded to do my blood pressure, heart rate and all that fancy stuff which all came out normal. I was glad to know that considering this summer was fun/party central!

As soon as that stuff got done, the doctor put all of the info into the chart, set it down and then led me over to the examining table. She explained that she was going to feel around my belly and if there was any uncomfort at any point, to please let her know.

Part 3 - First Appointment (checking tummy)

She slowly felt around and pressed different areas of the abdomen. She was so very sweet and kept asking if I was comfortable. It didn't bother me at all as there was no discomfort or nausea thankfully. Once that was done I had another type of examination which went well and finished pretty fast. I was then given another outfit to change into for the ultrasound, which I did and then proceeded to the ultrasound table.

Part 3 - First Appointment (ultrasound prep)

I hopped up onto the table and got situated while she got the bottle of ultrasound gel and prepped the monitor. She then put some of the gel and of course I giggled because its cold & squishy feeling! She too laughed and then made sure I was comfortable before placing the little ultrasound wand on my belly.

Part 3 - First Appointment (ultrasound)

Once the monitor turned on, I smiled as I watched this tiny little munchkin on the screen. Granted right now the baby is so tiny but it still cute lol...the doctor finished saving the pictures of the ultrasound and then hooked up the fetal heart monitor. Let me tell you it was the most amazing thing to listen to. It definitely makes it more real too that this tiny being is alive in there.

Part 3 - First Appointment (close up)

Once all was done I got up and cleaned off the rest of that jelly stuff. Then I got dressed, thanked the doctor and went home. It was great first appointment and I got to bring home my first ultrasound picture. Yay!