
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Part 3 - First Appointment

Wednesday September 12th, 2012 @ 4:30pm slt

Today was my first official appointment at the clinic. I was surprised to be scheduled in so quickly, but then I guess it's super important to make sure all is going well with the baby. I was totally prepared for the appointment, but obviously still slightly nervous about the situation. I read so much in the past few days about whats good and bad during pregnancy. Proper eating habits, prenatal vitamins, wearing flats or flip flops rather than heels, no over exerting yourself and just overall staying relaxed. Guess that means no big house renos unless I get help lol good thing my sis likes that kinda stuff!

Finally I got called in to see the doctor. I am so glad to have her as my doctor because she is such a sweet person and totally makes her patients feel comfortable.

Part 3 - First Appointment
*Please excuse picture quality. SL messed up so the numbers/size weren't right & I didn't notice*

After a bit of chit chat in regards to how I've been feeling, she handed me a gown to change into so she could begin examining me and checking my vitals. Once I was finished changing we went over to the scale so she could get my weight etc...then we proceeded to do my blood pressure, heart rate and all that fancy stuff which all came out normal. I was glad to know that considering this summer was fun/party central!

As soon as that stuff got done, the doctor put all of the info into the chart, set it down and then led me over to the examining table. She explained that she was going to feel around my belly and if there was any uncomfort at any point, to please let her know.

Part 3 - First Appointment (checking tummy)

She slowly felt around and pressed different areas of the abdomen. She was so very sweet and kept asking if I was comfortable. It didn't bother me at all as there was no discomfort or nausea thankfully. Once that was done I had another type of examination which went well and finished pretty fast. I was then given another outfit to change into for the ultrasound, which I did and then proceeded to the ultrasound table.

Part 3 - First Appointment (ultrasound prep)

I hopped up onto the table and got situated while she got the bottle of ultrasound gel and prepped the monitor. She then put some of the gel and of course I giggled because its cold & squishy feeling! She too laughed and then made sure I was comfortable before placing the little ultrasound wand on my belly.

Part 3 - First Appointment (ultrasound)

Once the monitor turned on, I smiled as I watched this tiny little munchkin on the screen. Granted right now the baby is so tiny but it still cute lol...the doctor finished saving the pictures of the ultrasound and then hooked up the fetal heart monitor. Let me tell you it was the most amazing thing to listen to. It definitely makes it more real too that this tiny being is alive in there.

Part 3 - First Appointment (close up)

Once all was done I got up and cleaned off the rest of that jelly stuff. Then I got dressed, thanked the doctor and went home. It was great first appointment and I got to bring home my first ultrasound picture. Yay!

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