
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Part 5 - Second Appointment

Wednesday September 19 2012 @ 4:30pm slt

Today I had another appointment with the clinic. They had to one of the routine ultrasounds and make sure the baby is growing properly for the time period and whatnot. This time my sister was able to come with me which was really nice. It's always more fun to share the experience with someone you're close to.

I arrived at the clinic a few minutes early and checked in with the receptionist. I then stood with my sister as we waited for the doctor be done with another patient. The wait wasn't very long at all and shortly after arriving we got called into the exam room.

Part 5 - Second Appointment

My sister of course politely took a seat, while the doctor asked me some questions in regards to how I've been feeling, if I've been taking my vitamins and if I had any questions or concerns. Once all of that got dealt with, I of course got into the ultrasound outfit of choice lol and hopped up on the table to prep for the ultrasound.

Part 5 - Second Appointment (3D ultrasound)

At that point the doctor got me settled and laughed as she knew I was going to giggle once she put on the ultrasound gel. Of course I did because its cold and feels funny. My sister came to stand beside the table as the doctor started moving around the wand. My sister and I both looked at the screen to see the little baby in 3D ultrasound form. It was definitely cool, I can tell ya that much. Once that was done, the doctor said if I wanted to, we could find out the gender of this tiny little one.  I of course said yes!

Part 5 - Second Appointment (finding out the baby's gender)
The doctor then changed the angle of the image area and began to move the ultrasound wand again. After moving it around a bit she finally stopped, smiled and said "you're having a girl!". I was so delighted to hear that and couldn't stop smiling. Not that I matter what the gender is, but when its a girl you relate and want all sorts of cute girly pink stuff lol...I turned to my sister and we both were happy. Another girl in the family.

Once that was done the doctor went to print of copies of the ultrasound, while I of course got cleaned up, dressed and ready to go home. I thanked the doctor for everything and my sister of course told the doctor it was nice to meet her, which of course my doctor replied with the same. We all said goodbye and then my sister drove me home. It was a great evening. *jumps for joy* I'm having a girl!!

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