
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Part 1 - Not Feeling Well

Oh how I wish I could sleep...

I spent the morning in and out of the washroom, as my tummy had been giving me issues all morning long. I was so tired and sick of feeling sick! My poor face and nose were all red too, it just was a crappy morning.

Part 1 - Close Up (red face/nose & feeling yucky expression)

After my stomach settled down, I decided to try and at least relax for a bit seeing as sleep was out of the question for sure. I sat with my back leaning against the pillows, knees brought up a bit and rested for about an hour or so, give or take a few minutes.

Part 1 - Relaxing after feeling sick all morning

After the hour was up, I decided to go start my morning routine. First I'd weigh myself just in case this is some cold or flu requiring me to see a doctor. They always ask for the patient's weight because of medication dosages etc...
Part 1 - On the scale

I hopped onto the scale and waited for the numbers to set. When the numbers stopped, I noticed that I had gained a few pounds. This puzzled me considering you tend to lose if you're sick. I then thought maybe it was all the yummy summer food I'd been eating or maybe I was bloated because it was soon to be that time of the month...Suddenly a thought occurred to me. I checked my phone's calendar to see what day it was and to my surprise, I was late. My mind was having issues processing this so I decided to ignore it and get freshened up for the day. I did my hair in a cute side ponytail, wore some cute summery clothes and then decided to take a walk. I didn't know exactly where I was going, I just knew I needed fresh air. If you guessed the local drugstore, you were right. After a small talk with the pharmacist, I went home with two pregnancy tests. I opened the boxes and followed the instructions, not that it takes a genius to figure it out. I was so nervous that I decided to wash my face with cool water to relax my nerves a bit and to feel fresh!

Part 1 - Washing Face

All I can say is it was definitely a great idea to splash my face with water. It really made me feel refreshed and a tiny bit less nervous. I stood for a bit waiting for the timer to go off so that I could see the results. *Ding* the timer went off and I slowly walked towards the bathroom counter to read the test results. When I looked down, I saw both pregnancy test sticks which read...POSITIVE!

Part 1 - The tests

One was digital and the other was the traditional ones that use a line system to give you the results. I guess I can't really deny this when staring at the two sticks. I turned around to lean against the bathroom counter. I might have fainted if I didn't.

Part 1 - I can't believe it!

When the information I just learned had finally sunken in, I put my hand up to my mouth as it dropped in shock and thought "woah, I'm going to have a baby!". Guess this means I need to make a doctor's appointment soon!

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